Monday, January 18, 2010

Hot Chocolate Mix

Here's a simple and yummy hot chocolate mix. It's the one I grew up drinking, and it's still my favorite.
Health drink? No.
Comfort drink? Oh yes!

12 cups powdered milk
1 large jar creamer
2 cups cocoa
4 cups sugar
4 cups powdered sugar.

1/3 cup per serving, to taste

And if you're like me, you won't be able to wait until you get it in a gallon jar for storage before you make yourself a mug!


Genene said...

Being a "detail" person (and because there are sooo many different sized jars of creamer) I would like the ounces on the "large jar" you used.

Laurel said...

I will try to look the next time I'm in the store. I unfortunately threw away the container before I noted the ounces.